For standard orders within the continental U.S., we offer FREE shipping nationwide.
Unfortunately, we do not currently offer international shipping options.
It depends on where you are. Most orders are shipped within 48 hours and can take up to 5 business days to arrive.
Delivery details will be provided in your confirmation email.
We use all major carriers, and local courier partners.
We always aim for make sure our customers love our products, but if you do need to return an order, we’re happy to help. Just email us directly and we’ll take you through the process.
Our commitment to you does not end at delivery. Items may be returned or exchanged within 30 days from when they were shipped, no questions asked. You only pay the cost of return shipping. To be eligible for return, items must be in their original purchase condition and include all product documentation.
Our full return policy can be found at https://blazin.io/pages/return-policy
Yes. In staying true to our high standards of customer satisfaction, we offer a Lifetime Warranty to protect against manufacturer defects. The warranty does not include normal wear and tear or damages incurred due to negligence, poor care, loss or theft. Please visit our warranty page for more information.
Any question?
If we still haven't answered your question, you can contact us below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.